A.C.T Offshore

Do you accept to serve anyone from any part of the world?

We do not accept clients who are resident or domiciled in countries found on the FATF Call For Action List or who are in the FATF Jurisdictions Under Increased Monitoring list. We also do not accept IBCs that will somehow be linked to those countries e.g. will own assets in those countries or do business with persons in those countries. The current list can be access from https://www.fatf-gafi.org

Additionally we cannot assist clients who are directly involved in the pharmaceutical business such as operating a chemical factory. We cannot assist anyone involved in the adult entertainment business (pornography, prostitution or even “online dating”) – these are illegal in Seychelles. We cannot assist clients who are involved in the arms business (development, manufacturing and distribution of weapons, ammunition and other equipment used by the military and defence forces). We will also refuse businesses that will raise investment funds from the general public or provide financial services to the public without having licences where they will operate.

We may also refuse to act for politicians and celebrities.

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